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- 38 inch Parlor size easier for small players but still provides bigger sound.
- Built in “Fishman” transducer allows you to plug into any amplifier or PA system and play it like a full electric guitar.
- Parlor buyers are coming from Taylor GS Mini and Little Martin
Denny designs his parlor guitars for players who love the feel of smaller guitars but not the smaller sound. The Zager Parlor series guitars provide you with excellent playability due to their 2 inch shorter scale neck design (same as our smaller 36 inch travel size guitars) making them easier for smaller players, but Denny gave it a slightly larger box so sound is richer and deeper. It won’t sound like our OM or Full size guitars but our customers say it has the best sound of any small guitar on the market today. The 2 words we hear from players when describing our parlor guitars are “comfortable” and “fun”. Read more
Our 38 inch Parlor Size Electric adds a custom electronic transducer system that allows you to plug into any amplifier or PA system. In this way you have an acoustic guitar that when unplugged sounds like a true acoustic, but you can also plug it in and play it like a full blown electric. The on board electronics package with custom equalization gives you the ability to change the sound according to your playing style. Our performing artists love this guitar because you can practice with it unplugged without waking the neighbors, then take it on stage and fill a stadium with sound. It truly is like having two guitars in one.
60 years of playing, performing and teaching has given Denny an advantage over the majority of guitar builders today. Denny understands the demands of the professional player because he is one. He discovered there are certain key elements that make a great guitar, and with that knowledge he created our 38 inch Parlor Series. Elements like solid wood construction, high quality hardware, a custom neck design that feels good in your hand, string spacing that allows you to move faster on the fret board, that simultaneously prevents buzzes and rattles, combined with a special bracing system that produces one of the best sounds in the guitar industry today. Magazine reviews and customer testimonials say the Zager 36 inch Travel outperforms guitars from the top 2 guitar makers at twice its price. Where else are you going to find a custom handmade guitar worked on by a Master luthier for under $1000? 100% money back guarantee including shipping fees both ways. Lifetime warranty.
- 38 inch Parlor size easier for small players and children but still provides bigger sound than our 36 inch Travel.
- Built in “Fishman” transducer allows you to plug into any amplifier or PA system and play it like a full electric guitar.
- Solid wood construction sounds better every year as it ages.
- Built in “Fishman” equalizer gives you infinite sound possibilities allowing you to dial in the perfect sound.
- Hand carved bracing for greater movement of the soundboard providing a richer sound.
- Slim neck design feels natural in your hand making it easier to form chords.
- Custom string spacing for greater speed and accuracy (and less rattles).
- Zager soft touch fret design for less string bite and finger fatigue.
- Adjustable truss rod to raise or lower action depending on your playing style.
- Special ultra thin high gloss finish allows more movement of the body for deeper sound
- Hand carved bone nut and saddle. (Found on predominantly $1500+ guitars).
- Hand laid abalone inlay rosette with pearl fret markers.
- Genuine Grover tuning machines (best in the world).
- 100% money back guarantee
- Lifetime warranty