

Zager Guitars is a 53 year old family owned guitar company that does most of its business from friends referring friends and family. We like our customers happy and this is why we’re the only guitar company with a true 30-day 100% money back guarantee that includes shipping fees both ways.  No restocking fees, no hidden charges, no BS. This means you can try a guitar in your home for 30 days without risking a penny.

We are musicians and we understand you need to take time with an instrument to see if you’re comfortable with it.  This cannot be done in 10 minutes in a noisy music store with a salesman hovering over your shoulder trying to make a sale.

Buying online also saves you money because you’re buying directly from the builder bypassing the retail store and their middleman price mark up. This is why if you were to see Zager guitars in stores prices would be double.

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