Is Guitar Tricks Worth It?

When learning guitar, having access to practical and structured lessons is crucial. With the rise of online learning platforms, one name that consistently stands out is Guitar Tricks.

This blog post will comprehensively review Guitar Tricks, examining its features, curriculum, user experience, and overall value. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player looking to enhance your skills, this review aims to provide you with a detailed overview of what Guitar Tricks offers.

Guitar Tricks stands out among the many websites that provide comparable online music tutorials. It’s hardly surprising that over three million users have joined up for their services, given that they have 11,000 video courses covering at least 1000 songs.

Beginner Guitar Lessons

guitar, studying, playing

Guitar Tricks is an online guitar lessons site that offers a comprehensive curriculum specifically designed to guide beginners through the process of mastering the instrument.

 The first step in starting your guitar-learning journey with Guitar Tricks is registering for an account on their website. After signing up, you can access various starting sessions suited to your requirements. The user interface is simple and easy to use, making it simple for you to move through the lessons and resources.

Understanding Guitar Basics And Fundamentals

As a beginner, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the guitar since it’s a core learning system. You’ll learn about the instrument’s different parts, power chords, and functions, ensuring you understand how it all comes together. Guitar Tricks offers a useful guide on proper posture and hand positioning, ensuring you adopt the correct technique.

Guitar Chords And Techniques

Guitar Tricks will introduce you to the fundamental techniques and chords that form the building blocks of guitar playing. You’ll start by learning open chords such as C, D, G, E, and A, mastering their fingerings and transitioning between them smoothly. Strumming patterns and rhythm exercises will also be covered to develop a strong sense of timing. Furthermore, you’ll delve into fingerpicking exercises to enhance dexterity and expand your playing possibilities.

Reading Tablature And Music Notation

Guitar Tricks has a comprehensive guide on how to read guitar tablature (tabs), a simplified notation system widely used for guitar. You’ll become proficient in interpreting tabs to learn melodies, riffs, and songs accurately. Additionally, you’ll be introduced to basic music notation, allowing you to understand rhythms and note values. You’ll comprehensively understand written music through tablature and music notation.

Playing Melodies On The Guitar

Once you’ve grasped the essential techniques and chords, Guitar Tricks will guide you in playing melodies and simple songs on the guitar. You can apply your chord knowledge to strum and accompany popular songs, gradually building a repertoire of beginner-level tunes. This practical application of skills will boost your confidence and keep you motivated.

Introduction To Music Theory

musician, country song, banjo

Guitar Tricks acknowledges the importance of music theory in creating a well-rounded guitarist. For beginners, you will be exposed to fundamental ideas in music theory, including scales, intervals, and keys. 

You’ll study the major and minor scales and learn how to use them when performing different musical genres. This information will help you comprehend things better.

Expanding Your Skills: Techniques And Styles

Once you’ve built a solid foundation, Guitar Tricks will assist you in developing new techniques like hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides. You’ll explore several musical genres, such as blues, rock, folk, and pop, allowing you to build a diverse performing repertoire. Songs and exercises at the intermediate level will test and improve your playing even more.

Practice Tips And Routine

Consistent practice is key to progressing as a guitarist. Guitar Tricks has valuable practice tips and guide you in establishing an effective practice routine. You’ll learn to set goals, track progress, and maximize practice sessions. Guitar Tricks

Guitar Tricks For Experienced Players

If you’re an experienced guitar player looking to enhance your skills further, Guitartricks can be a valuable resource. While Guitar Tricks is known for its beginner-friendly approach, it also offers content and lessons suitable for intermediate and advanced players. Here’s how Guitartricks can benefit experienced guitarists:

Advanced Guitar Lessons

Guitartricks has a wide variety of genres and techniques covered in the extensive lesson library of Guitartricks. You can study advanced subjects, including complicated solos, intricate chord progressions, advanced fingerstyle techniques, advanced scales and modes, and more.

Guitartricks’ song lessons cover a range of well-known songs from different genres. Even if you are an expert player, studying songs you love can inspire your playing, help you learn new skills, and extend your repertoire. You can explore more specialized genres or delve deeply into certain types like blues, rock, jazz, or country.

Technique Refinement

Guitar Tricks provides detailed lessons on specific guitar techniques, such as alternate picking, sweep picking, bending, tapping, and vibrato. These advanced lessons can help you refine your existing skills and push your technique to new heights.

Theory And Music Concepts

They also offer lessons on advanced theory topics like modal interchange, advanced chord construction, extended chords, harmonization, and more. This knowledge can improve your improvisation skills, songwriting abilities, and overall musicality.

Live QA Sessions

Occasionally, well-known guitar instructors participate in live Q&A sessions on guitar tricks. During these sessions, you can connect with the teachers face-to-face, get individual assistance, ask questions, and learn from experts.

Community And Jam Tracks

Guitar Tricks has a vibrant community of guitarists where you can connect, share ideas, and collaborate. You can also find a variety of jam tracks in different styles and keys to practice improvisation and soloing.

Styles And Genres Covered At GuitarTricks

guitar lessons, music school, learning

Guitar Tricks cover a vast range of musical styles, ensuring that there is a style for everyone.

Rock Style

Guitar Tricks offers pervasive rock music coverage, including lessons on hard rock, classical rock style, alternative rock, and much more. You can learn the basic guitar tricks and riffs to help you stand off and kickstart your guitar-playing career.

Blues Style

You can look into many blues genres, including Chicago, Texas, and Delta blues, at Guitartricks. The fundamental blues methods of bending, sliding, vibrato, shuffle rhythms, and soloing strategies are covered in lessons.

Jazz Style

Guitar Tricks provide jazz guitar lessons, catering to complete beginners and more advanced players. You can learn jazz chords, chord progressions, comping techniques, improvisation concepts, jazz standards, and other elements of jazz guitar playing.

Country Style

The country guitar is another prominent style covered by Guitartricks. Lessons delve into country techniques such as chicken picking, hybrid picking, pedal steel bends, double stops, and country rhythm playing. You can learn classic country songs, modern country styles, and various subgenres within country music.

Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic guitar players can choose from a variety of classes at Guitartricks. There is a wealth of information accessible to aid in the development of your acoustic guitar talents, whether your interests lie in fingerstyle, strumming patterns, folk, or acoustic interpretations of well-known songs.

Metal Music

Metal guitarists can learn about metal subgenres, such as heavy metal, thrash metal, power metal, and more. Lessons cover techniques like palm muting, alternate picking, shredding, metal scales, and rhythm playing.

Classical Music

It also offers lessons on classical guitar techniques and repertoire. You can learn classical guitar tricks review fingerpicking, reading sheet music, classical guitar exercises, and famous classical guitar pieces.

Progress Tracker On Guitar Tricks

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Guitar Tricks has a one-of-a-kind progress tracker that can help you measure and see your progress as you’ve joined Guitar Tricks.

As you learn and complete lessons, the tracker records your achievements. It’s like a map that shows you how far you’ve come. You can earn badges for your accomplishments and log your practice sessions to see how much you improve. With Guitartricks, you’ll feel motivated and inspired to reach new heights in your guitar playing as a beginner or even an experienced player.

Chord Finder On Guitar Tricks

guitar chords, guitar, chords

Guitar Tricks offers an impressive chord finder that can significantly help guitarists at every skill level. With the help of this tool, you need to input the name of the chord you want to learn, like G minor, and voila! It will present a clear and visually appealing fretboard diagram showcasing how to play that chord. But wait, there’s more! Guitar Tricks takes it further by providing five variations of that chord across various positions on the fretboard.

This is a goldmine for guitarists who are not only looking to expand their repertoire and learn new songs but also for those who are passionate about songwriting. This incredible tool allows you to experiment with different chord voicings and explore fresh musical possibilities. It’s a fantastic resource that empowers guitarists to unleash their creativity and take their playing to new heights.

Number Of Instructors On Guitar Tricks

guitar, learn, lessons

Guitar Tricks has several instructors on their team who contribute to their lesson content. It has collaborated with experienced artists and guitar instructors to provide comprehensive, high-quality lessons across various styles and skill levels.

The instructors on Guitar Tricks bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the platform, covering a wide range of guitar techniques, music theory, genres, and playing styles. Each instructor brings their unique teaching style and perspective, offering learners a varied and well-rounded learning experience.

Pros Of GuitarTricks

There are many pros to using Guitartricks as a beginner, as it offers a wide range of services for its subscribers.

Extensive Lesson Library

It offers a comprehensive and diverse library of lessons covering various video lessons covering different styles and techniques at different skill levels. This makes it suitable for guitarists of all backgrounds and interests.

Structured Learning Path

Guitar Tricks provides structured courses and a step-by-step guide approach to guitar fundamentals which is beneficial for beginners and those who seek a clear learning path to progress in their guitar learning journey.

Progress Tracking

Guitar Tricks features a progress-tracking system that helps you stay organized and motivated. It allows you to mark completed lessons, track course progress, earn achievement badges, and log practice sessions.

Song Lessons And Jam Tracks

Guitar Tricks offers song lessons across various genres, allowing you to learn and play your favorite songs. Additionally, the availability of jam tracks allows for practicing improvisation and soloing.

Cons Of Guitar Tricks

Although there are many benefits to using Guitar tricks, we must also consider some cons.

Advanced Content Limitations

We have noticed that Guitartricks’ content may not be as challenging or extensive for more advanced guitarists seeking highly advanced techniques or specialized genres as we have with Denny’s Lesson Library, which includes extensive and vast content for guitar students of all skill levels.

Lack Of Personalized Feedback

As an online platform, Guitartricks does not offer personalized feedback on your playing or direct one-on-one interaction with instructors. While the online lessons are comprehensive, some learners may prefer more personalized guidance.

Technical Issues

While unfamiliar, some users have reported occasional technical issues with video playback or website functionality.

Things To Consider Before Joining Guitar Tricks

Before you join Guitar Tricks, there are a few things to consider as a guitarist.

Your Guitar Learning Goals

Before joining this online platform, you should clarify your learning goals and see what you hope to achieve through online guitar lessons. Determine if GuitarTricks is the right platform for you to kickstart your guitar learning journey.

Assess Your Skill Level

Assess your current skill level and ensure that GuitarTricks provides lessons that are in accordance with your skill level and suitable for your proficiency. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced guitar experience, finding a platform that offers appropriate lessons and challenges for your level is crucial.

Teaching Style

Understand and resonate with the teaching style of Guitar Tricks instructors. Watch sample lessons or read reviews to understand how they are presented and whether they resonate with your pace and preferred learning approach.

Check Lesson Variety

Analyze the range of lessons offered by Guitartricks. Consider whether they include a variety of subjects, genres, and writing styles you are interested in. You can discover many musical genres and continue to develop your talents thanks to various lessons.

Personalized Feedback

Consider if receiving personalized feedback on your playing is essential to you. Guitar Tricks does not offer personalized feedback, so you may need to seek additional resources or platforms if you prefer one-on-one guidance.

Consider Your Budget

Assess the cost of Guitartricks membership and determine if it fits within your budget. Compare the subscription fees with the value and resources provided to ensure your investment’s worthwhile.

Trial Period

Take advantage of any free trial periods or free lessons offered by Guitartricks. This lets you experience the platform firsthand and determine if it meets your expectations before committing to a subscription.

Community And Support

Evaluate the community engagement and support level available on Guitartricks. Consider if being part of an active community of fellow guitarists and having access to support forums is essential to you.

Considering these factors, you can decide whether Guitar Tricks is the right online guitar-learning platform. Remember to explore customer reviews, and sample lessons, and use trial options to ensure they align with your specific needs and goals.

How Many Songs Do Guitar Tricks Have?

Guitar Tricks have about 1500 songs of popular songs in various genres and styles available on their website. It provides detailed song lessons that cover the chords, riffs, solos, and techniques used in the song, which allows guitarists to learn easily and understand the song chords better.

Famous Artists Featured On Guitar Tricks

musician, guitar, song

Guitartricks boasts an impressive lineup of skilled instructors who bring their expertise and experiences to the platform’s lessons. It features instructors who have worked with notable musicians. These talented individuals, such as Lisa McCormick, Anders Mouridsen, Doug Boduch, Michael Elsner, and Ben Lindholm, have lent their talents to artists like Bryan Adams, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and LeAnn Rimes.

 With their real-world experience and extensive knowledge, these instructors offer learners a unique insight into the techniques, styles, and nuances of playing guitar alongside famous artists. While the availability of lessons featuring specific artists may vary, Guitartricks provides a wealth of valuable instruction from skilled musicians who have honed their craft on stages around the world.

Is Guitar Tricks Worth The Money?

Is guitar tricks worth the money? This is a question that all aspiring guitarists have in mind. As per our knowledge, it comes down to individual preferences, and you must evaluate if this is what you’re looking for!

Guitar Tricks offers an exhaustive list of lessons library to learn from. With its structured and comprehensive courses, it can be beneficial for guitarists at all levels. The quality of instructors and a diverse range of lessons with an active community can provide valuable resources and support.

While it may not offer personalized feedback or live lessons, the wealth of content and resources makes it a valuable investment for those seeking to expand their guitar skills and repertoire. Ultimately, considering your specific learning needs, preferences, and budget will help you decide if Guitar Tricks fits you.

Better Alternatives to Guitar Tricks?

Look at the best guitar players in the world; they have one thing in common. They play guitar by ear. Since 1969 Denny Zager’s taught millions of people to play guitar using his internationally acclaimed “Play-By-Ear” guitar method that shows you how to tap into that part of your brain scientists, say we rarely use “Play-By-Ear” as the pros do. The Zager Guitar Lesson Library allows you to learn guitar using a revolutionary guitar chord show system one-on-one with an actual guitar master.

Denny regularly adds new material to his library, so there’s always something new and exciting to learn. For 2016 he’s expanding his library to over 150 hours of streaming lessons with over 10,000 Easy Play guitar tabs and hundreds of his patented guitar and song arrangements, making this the world’s most extensive online guitar lesson library.

About Zager Guitar

Zager Guitars is a family-owned third-generation guitar builder building guitars in Lincoln, Nebraska, since 1902. Zager is rated in the top 5% of all guitar brands and has been featured in Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and a multitude of national and international news media. Zager also donates over $1M in guitars to children and public schools nationally, more than any other acoustic guitar maker.

To achieve the levels of playability that Zager guitars deliver, it requires a “precision build.” This means computer-controlled milling, laser-guided cutting, and robotic sanding and finish application. Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars uses the robotic building on their most expensive models because a computer build is always more precise than a hand build. 

Zager does one thing differently, though. Where Taylor keeps their machines in Mexico and the US, we keep ours in Indonesia, where wood and materials for guitar building are 50% lower in price. This way, you receive a guitar with the most cutting-edge technology available today for $3000 instead of $6000-$10,000.

Denny Zager Guitar Learning Lesson Guide

The Zager Guitar Lesson Library allows you to learn guitar using a revolutionary guitar chord show system one-on-one with an actual guitar master. It is updated regularly, so there’s always something new and exciting to learn. For 2016 he’s expanding his library to over 150 hours of streaming lessons with over 10,000 Easy Play guitar tabs and hundreds of his patented guitar and song arrangements, making this the world’s most extensive guitar lesson library.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Guitar Tricks Good?

Although teaching guitar is primarily an art form in some ways for others, it is a rewarding profession. So, a guitar trick can be an excellent tool for improving the skill level of any guitarist.

How Much Does GuitarTricks Cost?

The price is 199.95/month for their monthly subscription, and it comes with a free 14-day trial for new customers to try it out.

Better Than Guitar Tricks

The Zager Guitar Lesson Library is a lifetime membership to Zager Guitar owners. It includes all the one-on-one lessons from Denny Zager, which includes roundabout to 150 hours of streaming lessons and 10,000 easy-play guitar tabs. 

Author Avatar
Jolene, a guitar enthusiast whose journey began by watching their uncle Dennis Jr. craft guitars. Growing up surrounded by the mesmerizing process of guitar creation, Jolene developed a profound appreciation for the artistry behind these instruments.

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