Master The Art of Playing The Em Guitar Chord

The Em guitar chord is the E minor chord most commonly used in guitar chords. The E minor triad chord consists of three notes – E, G, and B. The E note is the root note, and these three notes give the chord its distinct minor tonality.
It is commonly used in various genres, including pop, rock, folk, and blues. It is a fundamental chord in many songs, paired well with other key E minor and G major chords. Exploring different chord progressions involving the Em chord can make your sound more emotional and melancholic.
Different Ways To Play The E Minor Chord

There are different ways to play the guitar’s E minor chord (Em).
Em Barre Chord – Easiest Version
Place your index finger across all the strings on the second fret and barre the A string to the high E string. Now position your middle finger on the fifth string of the third fret of the B string and place your ring finger on the fourth string of the D string.
Em Barre Chords- Advanced Version
Barre the entire seventh fret of the minor guitar chord with your index finger covering all the strings from the low E string to the high E string. Place your ring finger on the ninth fret of the D string.
EmPower Chord
Place your index finger on the seventh fret of the A string and position your ring finger on the second finger ninth fret of the D string, and your pinky finger on the ninth fret of the G string. Avoid strumming the low E string and the high E string.
EM7 Chord
Place your index finger on the second fret of the A string and position your middle finger on the second fret of the D string. Now place your ring finger on the 3rd fret of the B string. Leave the rest of the strings open.
Remember that these are only a few standard E minor chord variations. Your fingering is determined by personal preference, the desired tone, and the other minor chord shape, progression, or song you’re playing. To discover your preferred fingering, feel free to try several options.
E Minor Chord Notes

The Em guitar chords are the easiest chords which consist of the following three notes that majorly affect the playability and sound of the guitar.
E Note
The root note, E, is the open low E string (6th string). It is played unfretted.
B Note
The open B string (2nd string) is note B, a fifth of the chord. It is played unfretted.
G Note,
The bass note of G, the minor third of the chord, is played on the third fret of the low E string (6th string) with your index finger.
E Minor Barre Chord Shapes

There are various chord shapes that you can play with the Em guitar chord.
Em Barre Chord On the 7th Fret – Easier Version
Barre your index finger across all the strings on the seventh fret and position your ring finger on the ninth fret of the A string. Now place your pinky finger on the ninth fret of the D string and leave your third finger on the high E string open.
Em Barre Chord On The 12 Fret- Intermediate Version
Barre your index finger across all the strings on the 12th fret and position your ring finger on the 14th fret of the A string. Place your pinky finger on the guitar fretboard, the 14th fret of the D string, and press the middle finger on the 13th fret of the G string. Leave the high E string open.
Em Barre Chord On the 7th Fret- Full Baree Version
Barre your index finger across all the strings of the seventh fret. Position your ring finger on the ninth fret of the A string and press your middle finger on the eighth fret of the G string. Now use your ring finger to lightly touch the ninth fret of the B string to mute it and avoid playing the high E string.
The Em chord can be played in various positions around the guitar neck using these barre chord patterns. The Em chord can be played in many keys and with many different voicings simply using barre chords. To get a clear tone from the open em chord on every string, practice the right finger positioning and use appropriate pressure with your index finger.
About Us
Zager Guitars is a family-owned third-generation guitar builder that has been building guitars in Lincoln, Nebraska, since 1902. Zager is rated in the top 5% of all guitar brands and has been featured in Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and a multitude of national and international news media. Zager also donates over $1M in guitars to children and public schools nationally, more than any other acoustic guitar maker.
To achieve the levels of playability that Zager guitars deliver, it requires a “precision build.” This means computer-controlled milling, laser-guided cutting, and robotic sanding and finish application. Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars uses the robotic building on their most expensive models because a computer build is always more precise than a hand build.
Zager does one thing differently, though. Where Taylor keeps their machines in Mexico and the US, we keep ours in Indonesia, where wood and materials for guitar building are 50% lower in price. This way, you receive a guitar with the most cutting-edge technology available today for $3000 instead of $6000-$10,000.
Denny Zager Guitar Learning Lesson Guide
Look at the best guitar players in the world; they have one thing in common. They play guitar by ear. Since 1969 Denny Zager’s taught millions of people to play guitar using his internationally acclaimed “Play-By-Ear” guitar method that shows you how to tap into that part of your brain scientists say we rarely use “Play-By-Ear” as the pros do. The Zager Guitar Lesson Library allows you to learn guitar using a revolutionary guitar chord show system one-on-one with an actual guitar master.
Denny regularly adds new material to his library, so there’s always something new and exciting to learn. For 2016 he’s expanding his library to over 150 hours of streaming lessons with over 10,000 Easy Play tabs and hundreds of his patented guitar and song arrangements, making this the world’s most extensive guitar lesson library.
What Is An Em Chord?
The minor chords “E” and ” B ” are triads that consist of a root (E), a minor third (G), and an ideal fifth. This will help you strum easily as a beginner.
What Is An Em Chord?
The minor chords “E” and ” B ” are triads that consist of a root (E), a minor third (G), and an ideal fifth. This chord is widely used by all guitarists, and it is an essential chord to learn.
How to Learn To Play The Em Chord As a Beginner?
You can learn to play the Em Chord as a beginner by practicing and through online resources such as Youtube and various websites, which allow you to be a pro in no time.